Friday, April 8, 2011

Matthew 11:28

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.”

I am learning how to pray.  “A Praying Life” by Paul Miller has been a refreshing reminder to pray.  My prayer life hasn’t been great for a while.  I knew the basics, but didn’t grasp the core of a prayer life.  This week, I have been really excited to pray.  Each quiet moment I had, I felt like a little child excited to unravel a surprise.  I don’t know how to describe it, but the anticipation was bubbling up inside of me each time.  It’s strange, because I still don’t grasp the depth and beauty of experiencing God in prayer.  But I want to.

The timing couldn’t have been better.  This week, I felt the burdens of life keenly on my shoulders.  It seemed so heavy and dark.  I was going deeper and deeper into wallowing in probably self-pity and feeling helpless for not making things better.  Timothy started off this week with another fever.  Since his last fever wasn’t too long ago, I was worried.  BMT department called notifying me there has been NO progress with the insurance company.  My husband was out of town.  Both my kids were not sleeping well this week, which adds to my stress and crankiness.  I wasn’t a very edifying mother this week.  All that to say, I needed to pray.  I needed to commune with my God.  I needed to go before Him.  Because I needed rest… spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.  Without this hope, I would not be whole.  I may be functional in a superficial level, but not complete.  Through valleys, we journey on in this pilgrim journey.  May I be faithful in all things He has bestowed in my life, especially the little ones. 

Here are some recent pictures of my kids to bring a smile to my face :).



1 comment:

  1. Alice, I'm SOOO glad you're able to join us.. you complete our group! Each meeting, I am so encouraged by you... (not to mention mortified that we always end with "we REALLY must pray for min")

    Looking forward to Wed!! :)
