Thursday, December 29, 2011

Temporary Set Back

We received news today from our BMT doctor here in Houston re: the transplant procedure. These were his words, “It’s not good, but it’s not bad.” NMDP (National Marrow Donor Program) informed us that there's a delay in the process for about a month. But no promises, of course. From our doctor’s experience in situations like this, NMDP would tell us right away if the delay is permanent or not. But when they do give a time line of some sort, then it’s usually a good potential but just delayed. So… what do we do now? We just wait. Our doctor here wants to see Timothy weekly to make sure everything’s okay with him and will check with NMDP weekly of the progress. We will not be doing the pre-evaluation for the BMT until we get closer to the collection date. It looks like the earliest we would be admitted would be February. The Songs will be hanging out in Houston for a month. I am okay now. It was frustrating and difficult this morning. But I am so thankful our family is here together. On a side note, we may move tomorrow to a different housing facility. Will update tomorrow. Please continue to pray for us…

1 comment:

  1. hi alice! will definitely continue to pray for patience and trust in God's timing and will during this period. miss you and your family already!
