Friday, July 20, 2012

Day +163

Today was Timothy’s last clinic visit here at Texas Children’s Hospital.  Well, not last… we will be back in February for his 1 year check up and annually thereafter.  It’s bittersweet to leave.  We will miss the TCH staff here in Houston, but excited to be reunited with family and friends back home.  Thank you… doctors, nurses, and staff for making our stay here in Houston comfortable and thank you for taking excellent care of Timothy.  We feel truly blessed.

Here’s a video/picture summary of what usually happens during our clinic visits… The pictures and videos are from today.  Daniel came along today for our last visit to take some pictures :).

First thing we do when we get to the clinic, after signing in, is getting Timothy’s vital signs checked… temperature, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, weight and height:

Then we proceed into the waiting room.  Timothy has to wear the mask in the waiting room.  Soon we are called by a nurse to get his labs drawn for multiple blood work.

The labs are drawn easily due to Timothy’s PICC line.  After the lab, we go back to the waiting area to wait some more… until the doctor is ready to see Timothy. 

As you can see, Timothy plays with the iPad the whole time.  Thank goodness for the iPad.  What would I have done without it??? 

Normally, we would get the results/counts from the lab and make any medication adjustments and come home.  But for today, since it was our last visit his PICC line was pulled.

Picture of his PICC line (double lumen) with his dressing – picture taken a week ago:

photo 1

The PICC line cannot get wet, so this is how we bathe him:

photo 2

We have used a lot of different types of tape, but this one is the best one… really waterproof:

photo 3

And today it was pulled.. after 6 months:

photo 3

Our wonderful doctor… I cannot say enough good things about him.  Dr. Krance:

photo 2

Nurse Heather and Nicole… 2 of the awesome nurses at TCH:

photo 5

Good-bye Texas Children’s Hospital… see you in February:

photo 1


  1. Counting down the days till we see you!!

  2. God is so good. Wishing you all the best with the transition back home. Will keep you in our prayers. xo

  3. Awesome, awesome! He looks SO good! Thinking of you as you begin your next chapter!
