Nothing new to report. We had clinic on Monday and Wednesday. Timothy’s counts are still looking good. Most of them are in the normal range :). And if they are not, it’s very close. We still do not have a date to return. I don’t think we will know until the very end. And when we do, we’ll let you know. Claire is ready to return home too. She’s been asking when we will be returning and how she misses home. Maybe all the lack of activity here has finally caught up :). She is pretty much home-bound along with Timothy. But she’ll randomly talk about going to the fair or to the pumpkin patch (places Timothy couldn’t go before) with Timothy when he gets all better :). But as a rule of thumb, we tell her Timothy will be able to resume normal activities when he turns 3 years old. By that time it will have been almost a year since his transplant. Timothy will need to be re-vaccinated at that point. So until then, we will continue to use caution and avoid crowded public places.
A quick family update:
Timothy – really into coloring these days. All throughout the day, he holds onto something in his hands, usually trucks/cars, but sometime syringes, rubber bands, etc… Loves being read to. Eats everything. Even salad, of course with dressing. Still likes to say, “no, thanks” and now, “no way”. Enjoys looking through magazines and “I Spy” books. Still very affectionate.
Claire – LOVES books and being read to. Likes to hide toys, especially cars, from Timothy. Enjoys drawing and “writing” letters. Looks forward to watching T.V. everyday. Dislikes eating rice and any type of sauce, but loves anything meat (steak, chicken, fish, shrimp, clams, mussels, etc…). Prefers to play with Timothy or daddy, instead of independent play. Still shy around people.
Daniel – Has been playing Diablo 3 for hours on end since May 15th. Day and night.
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